Starting this schoolyear members of M.S.V. Alchimica will be able to do a couple of things through this site, including:
- Forums for course, minor reviews and the second hand (study)book market
- The promotion for Alchmica’s activities
- Registrations for activities
- Submission of promotion for events
- Pictures of Alchimica’s activities (due to privacy)
- Periodica Archives
Sounds interesting? Make sure you are a member of M.S.V. Alchimica, if you are not, you can register here. And make sure you have an account on this website (using your WUR-email), which you can create below:
Once you’ve registered for M.S.V. Alchimica and this site we will verify that you are indeed a member, and if so, your account will be approved and you will get an email that you can access the ‘for members’ pages (often outlook withholds the emails, so you can also try to login again and check if you have extra permissions).