
Tegelijk met het lustrum wordt een almanak uitgebracht waarin de geschiedenis van de vereniging van de afgelopen 5 jaar wordt beschreven. Deze almanak wordt gemaakt door de Almanakcie.

De laatste Almanak had als thema ‘Glow in the Dark.’

Every the lustrum, an Almanac is published in which the history of the assocaition over the previous 5 years in described. The Almanac is produced by the almanac committee. At the moment the Almanac committee is empty but towards the next lustrum in 2025 new members of the commission will be recruited.

The last Almanac had as theme ‘Glow in the dark’ for the 10th lustrum of M.S.V. Alchimica. If you have not got around to pick up your Almanak yet or you just want to take a look: there are still a few copies left in the association room (Forum 501).